Annual Show

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Saturday 3rd August

The Show Schedule gives you all the details of how to enter the show, a list of classes and all the show rules. If it is flowers, fruit or veg you are planning to enter, there are handy tips for how to display them, eg tomatoes should have the stalk attached. There are also sections for flower arrangement, the kitchen, craft, photography, art and classes for children.

Entries should be made using the online form or by completing the pdf form (see buttons above). Entry is free if you enter either via the online form or by email to to between Monday 22 July and Thursday 1 August or in person between 5-8pm on Thursday 1 August at the south porch of Batcombe church. Please enter any class that you think you might have an exhibit for.

The show starts at 2pm and teas and refreshments are available all afternoon. Prize giving and raffle draw is from 4pm, after that you can collect your exhibits.

Show classes by section - please refer to the show schedule for full details of each class, notes and show rules


1 Three potatoes (one named variety)

2 Potato - single tuber (different named variety from class 1)

3 Three salad potatoes (one named variety)

4 Three large onions (trimmed)

5 Three onions - no bulb to exceed 225g (trimmed)

6 Three shallots (separate and trimmed)

7 Three carrots (up to 15cm)

8 Three carrots (over 15cm)

9 Five cherry tomatoes

10 Three tomatoes (not cherry)

11 Five pods of broad beans

12 Five pods of runner beans

13 Five pods of French beans

14 Five pods of peas

15 One head of lettuce

16 A pot of cut-and-come-again lettuce (30cm pot max)

17 Three radishes

18 Three beetroots, any colour

19 One cucumber

20 Two courgettes

21 One cabbage, any variety

22 One cauliflower, any variety

23 Any other vegetable

24 A collection of vegetables - three kinds (30cmx45cm base)

25 Chilli Pepper 'Quick Fire' plant

26 Any vegetable - NOVICES ONLY

27 The longest runner bean

28 A collection of tiny veg – three or more kinds

29 The most amusing looking vegetable

30 The smallest ripe tomato


31 Three eggs (any variety)

32 A saucer of raspberries (stalks in)

33 A saucer of currants – red, black or white (stalks in)

34 Six gooseberries (stalks in)

35 Three sticks of rhubarb

36 Any other fruit not mentioned above (a dish of one variety)

37 Five different kinds of fruit and/or veg on a plate – show us what you’ve got!

38 Any of the above classes - NOVICES ONLY


39 Any single stem bloom - for the Peter Hall Cup

40 A rose - one bloom

41 1 multi-headed rose stem, any variety

42 Vase of mixed herbaceous perennials - at least three kinds (50cm

43 Mixed annuals in a jam jar, at least three kinds

44 Penstemon - three stems

45 Phlox - three stems

46 Gladioli - one stem

47 Dahlia - a specimen bloom, any size, any variety

48 Dahlias - an exhibit of mixed blooms, any cultivars, five stems

49 Annual sweet peas - six stems for the David Dale Cup

50 Perennial sweet peas - six stems

51 Hydrangea - one bloom

52 Clematis - one bloom

53 Vase of 3 stems of one kind of flower not previously mentioned

54 Indoor pot plant (flowering or foliage, including succulents and orchids)

55 A collection of culinary herbs in a jam jar

56 Begonia Double Pink - grown from a plug plant

57 Any of the above classes - NOVICES ONLY

58 Most fragrant rose - one stem - to be judged by the public


59 “In the Potting Shed”

60 “You are the Sunshine of my Life”

61 Hand tied posy exhibited in a jam jar

62 “Shades of Green”

63 Table centrepiece

64 Any of the above classes – NOVICES ONLY


65 A jar of jelly - any variety

66 A jar of jam - any variety

67 A jar of marmalade

68 A jar of chutney

69 A jar of curd

70 Bread – handmade loaf (machine-free)

71 Bread – machine-made

72 Three sausage rolls

73 Five cheese straws

74 Shortbread Bake Off (partial recipe supplied on page 11 )

75 A filled and iced coffee cake (no nuts)

76 A classic Victoria Sponge

77 Five chocolate brownies

78 A treacle tart

79 A cake of your choice - NOVICES ONLY

80 A fruit spirit (e.g. sloe gin, plum brandy, etc)

81 Bottle of homemade cordial


Class 86 Decorate a bunting triangle for the society’s 75th show

82 A hanging Christmas tree decoration – max height 10cm
83 A craft article incorporating a wooden disc
84 A painted pebble
85 A bug hotel – max size 15x15x15cm
86 Decorate a bunting triangle for the society’s 75th show
87 Something knitted for a child – for the Myra Wiltshire Cup
88 Any of the above classes - NOVICES ONLY


89 Light and dark
90 Winter in Batcombe
91 A landscape
92 Animal personality
93 Flower Power
94 A Human Emotion
95 A digitally enhanced/altered photo - can be very abstract
96 Any of the above classes - NOVICES ONLY


97 Limerick: “In Batcombe the show is upon us………”
98 A landscape painted with natural pigments
99 Silhouette of any animal/s on a decorated background
100 Pub sign on any surface in any medium. Max size: 30x30cm
101 Still life: ‘In the potting shed”
102 Drawing or sketch: “Through my window”
103 Collage/mixed media: “Face or faces”
104 Any of the above classes - NOVICES ONLY


OPEN classes for ALL CHILDREN age 16 years and under on August 31st 2024. Please state age on exhibit.

105 A miniature garden for the Jo Bloor Cup
106 Largest sunflower head - grown from seeds collected at the plant swap
107 The yuckiest slug or snail - in a jar!

Age 7 years and under on August 31st 2024

A self-portrait, any medium
109 5 decorated cupcakes
110 A pressed flower
111 Something I have grown to eat
112 A Lego model of your own invention (not from a kit), with a title

Age 11 years and under on August 31st 2024

A drawing or painting of a flower
114 5 decorated cupcakes
115 A pressed flower
116 Something I have grown to eat
117 A Lego model of your own invention (not from a kit), with a title

Age 16 years and under on August 31st 2024

A drawing or painting of a flower
119 5 decorated cupcakes
120 A pressed flower
121 Something I have grown to eat

Show entry form